// Sunday 5th May

Thank you all for your support.
We're back with our full weekend schedule

Starting Saturday 2nd March
9am - 11pm

With your help, we reached our target and raised £11,365 (£10,264 after taxes) during our community crowdfunding campaign and we were able to invest in new equipment and other running costs such as licensing, website, producing costs...

To remind you, Margate Radio CIC (Community Interest Company) is a volunteer-run, independent, licensed internet radio station founded in 2020. Margate Radio is a platform to create and distribute content that celebrates and connects our seaside town Margate in Kent, England. We broadcast new content on weekends, with previous broadcasts by regular hosts available for free.

Our values come from our representative community survey in 2023, and are simply “Community,” “Diversity,” and “More.” We'll be back broadcasting from 10am - 3pm on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th, to soft launch the new equipment, so share the news so tune in. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to know a bit more about the line-up and other info.

Thanks again!


Whatever funds you can spare, We’re grateful for your support

Margate Radio CIC is a not-for-profit community radio station based in Margate.

We are passionate about delivering creative and engaging content to showcase Margate’s brilliance.

We have collectively and organically created something very special during these testing times and we are committed to continuing.

To help us achieve this we are asking those who are able, to donate towards the running costs and sustainability of the station.

This will also allow us to invest in growth and nurture projects / content that will benefit our community.